Stata 12 manuals
Stata 12 manuals

stata 12 manuals stata 12 manuals

Set numbers of observations to n: set obs n. While all the observations in a given data set should represent more or less the same thing, the meaning of "observation" can vary widely between data sets and it's important to keep track of what it means in yours. At 10:54 AM -0500, you wrote: At 05:51 PM +0200, you wrote: RE: st: obtaining the list of values of a variable. If the replace option is chosen, the existing string values in the variable will be replaced by the numeric values. Load the following dataset into Stata using the sysuse command.

stata 12 manuals

Each variable thus has a certain number of observations associated with it (frequently all variables will have the same group() egen group_id = group( old_group_var ) creates a new group id with numeric values for the categorical variable. The handlers of the USS, have provided the data in Stata form, labelled variables and values of the variable (where relevant) again, for further details about variables see the on-line dataset documentation (to find out value labels of a variable also use the labellist command): Submission If a new variable containing all the numeric values is generated, its name needs to be entered in the parenthesis of generate().list command without any variable names displays values of all the variables for all the cases. If the update option is specified, the variable _merge takes the value 4 if the value in the master data is missing, and the value 5 if the value is not missing value.Stata will sort the data in ascending order by default. labellist lists contents of value labels attached to variables in varlist.If any other variables are also specified, these are also listed for the same observations. Summarize summarize Options: varlist - list of variables, separated by spaces (not commas) if you don't indicate a variable list, Stata will summarize all the variables in the data set EXTREMES: Stata module to list extreme values of a variable.

Stata 12 manuals